PIT-UK Annual conference 8th November 2024

The 2024 PIT-UK Conference offers answers to fundamental questions every PIT therapist might ask themself:
Where does this contemporary form of psychotherapy come from?
What are its underlying principles?
Why does it place so much emphasis on the shape of therapist interventions?
How does it differ from other comparable models?
Talks from leading PIT practitioners will describe the origins of the model, explain its specific use for those suffering from borderline conditions, and offer a compare-and-contrast perspective on PIT in relation to other leading models of therapy in the UK today. Beginning with a therapeutic community in London, we will take a journey to psychotherapy clinics in Sydney Australia and back again. The conference programme will explicitly reference the work of both Bob Hobson and Russell Meares, whose legacy we celebrate this year.
10.00 Welcome and Introduction
10.10 Frank Margison “Becoming a Non-Persecutory Therapist”
11.00 Dan Beales Potato Potato? Comparing PIT/CMT to other psychotherapies for BPD
11.50 Plenary
12.15 LUNCH
13.00 Workshop – beginner, intermediate, & advanced PIT skills
14.30 BREAK
14.45 Simon Heyland A Theory Of Self: From Proto-Conversation to Therapeutic Focus
15.30 Plenary
16.00 CLOSE
TO BOOK – go to shop. If you have any particular dietary requirements email us on admin@pit-uk.org.uk
(Vegetarian options already covered!)
COST: £70 inclusive of lunch tea and coffee.
Reductions for members– £55

2025 CPD Events

SAVE the DATE for 2025
Programme to follow
7th February
4th April
13 June
12 September
21 November
Most events are on-line between 1-45 and 3pm
Booking: Please email laurence@lregan.com
8th November
Annual conference
(All-day in person event in Manchester)
Past events
2024 Recent events
16 February
Special event: Discussion of PIT, Ethics and professional practice
Frank Margison
PIT-UK has a Policy on Ethics and Professional Practice even though we do not regulate practice directly. The discussion is chaired by Simon Heyland and introduced by Frank Margison.
We will summarise the existing policy (which is easily available on the website- it is in the footer and just click on “Code of Ethics and Professional Practice” and it will download automatically and can be saved from there if needed).
The discussion will cover a wide range of ethical issues for discussion, such as confidentiality when writing up cases, maintaining boundaries, conflicts between different professional codes and more.
We will use this as part of the consultation process to start revising our policy.
Here is the pdf of the presentation
12 April
Professor Else Guthrie
“Psychological Biography: Contrasting examples of Lincoln and Oppenheimer”
This talk will focus on the different styles of psychological biography using biographies of Oppenheimer and Lincoln as examples. One style seeks to understand and construct a psychological narrative of the person under study whilst the other presents facts with little attempt to think about them in a psychological way.
Both Oppenheimer and Lincoln were extraordinary people with contrasting upbringings and psychological profiles.
Date: Friday 12th April 2024
Time: 1.45-3.00pm
Format: Zoom seminar
7 June
Mary Lewis
From The Therapeutic Conversation.Vol 1; issue 2; July. 2021.
Cost £20 for members £30 for non-members
13 September
Commemorative Event about the life of Robert Hobson (Jointly with ANZAP)
This event marked the 25th Anniversary of the death of Robert Hobson.
Speakers Frank Margison, Dan Beales, Colette Rayment with Tony Korner and Simon Heyland chairing
20th January 2023
Simon Heyland: “The Use and Meaning of Gesture”
10th March 2023
Rebecca Hughes: “Love and Loneliness”
12th May 2023
Frank Margison: “The Self and Marilyn Monroe”
23rd June 2023
Dr Anthony Korner on Jung and the Conversational Model and Professor Else Guthrie on Reliving in Psychotherapy
7th July 2023
Professor Anthony Korner (in conversation with Dr Frank Margison) on experiences of offering long term Conversational Model in the studies on borderline states
8th September 2023
Anna Phillips: ” A PIT Perspective in use of psychedelics”
24th November (Annual Training Day)
Dan Beales and Simon Heyland: “Introductory Resources – a trans- theoretical approach: For information click below
January 2022
PIT and Psychosis (Liz Murphy)
March 2022
“Baby steps in PIT”: What to do in the early stage of therapy – thoughts for trainees and trainers (Else Guthrie)
May 2022
Developing the Self: self and selves in PIT (Frank Margison)
July 2022
PIT in an acute setting (Paul Culatto)
September 2022
Journey towards PIT (Emma Mullins)
November 2022
Advanced Training Day -Reliving in PIT- working with trauma