The PIT Special Interest Group earlier this year became a formal organisation called PIT-UK. This change is part of a range of activities intended to promote the dissemination of PIT, in particular by providing more resources and activities aimed at helping you with your continuing professional development. You will be aware from previous messages and via our journal The Therapeutic Conversation (created jointly with the Australia & New Zealand Association for Psychotherapy) that these include the journal, the bimonthly CPD sessions, the annual training day, the new website, the suite of new training films, and the new PIT Practitioner Course
We are pleased to be able to announce that all the preparatory work has now been completed to enable PIT-UK to admit members… so PIT-UK will be opening for membership on 1st January 2024!
Resources and activities currently happening piecemeal will from 2024 onwards be member benefits, there will be new ‘members-only’ benefits, and in addition PIT-UK members will get a substantial discount on CPD event fees (including the annual training day)
There will be three categories of membership – full Member; Associate Member; Associate Member+. These are all described below. Many of the people currently on the PIT-UK email distribution list will be full members.
Full members of PIT-UK are mental health professionals with some prior training in PIT who want to further develop their understanding and skills in order to enable them to practise, supervise and teach PIT. They will hold a professional qualification in mental health (clinical or counselling psychology; counselling; psychotherapy; nursing; psychiatry; social work; occupational therapy).
They will have completed the University of Manchester PIT Introductory course or an equivalent basic training in PIT. (Examples of equivalent training would be completion of the PIT module within a clinical psychology doctorate, bespoke PIT training courses run by members of PIT-UK, participation in a PIT research trial, or a supervised PIT placement)
1. High-quality streaming access to the full suite of eight new PIT-UK training films
2. Access to slides and Zoom recordings of most PIT-UK CPD events
3. Receive The Therapeutic Conversation journal and PIT-UK Newsletters and email updates
4. Access website with additional teaching materials such as training materials on role plays, learning PIT and developing skills
5. 25% discount on booking fees for all PIT-UK CPD events including the annual training day
Fee: £75 per year
An associate member of PIT-UK will wish to have information about PIT and attend events, but need not fulfil the eligibility criteria above regarding professional qualification and PIT training.
1. Training materials on role plays, learning PIT and developing skills on the website
2. High-quality streaming access to limited PIT-UK training films
3. Receive The Therapeutic Conversation journal and PIT-UK Newsletters and email updates
Fee: £30 per year
Becoming an Associate Member + means that in addition to the benefits of being an Associate member of PIT-UK you are granted access to the full suite of new PIT-UK training films
This category of membership will suit individuals with psychotherapy training responsibilities in NHS trusts
Fee: £75 per year
Whilst PIT-UK is a non-profit organisation it does have running costs, and therefore needs to charge fees like other similar psychotherapy bodies in the UK do. We are confident that the PIT-UK membership, event, and training fees are reasonable and represent excellent investments in your professional development. In particular PIT-UK offers to members a very generous discount on event fees, which in 2024 would mean a member could save £49 against the membership fee of £75!
Applications for membership of PIT-UK are now open. Please email admin@pit-uk.org.uk
with any questions or with the following information:
Category of membership applied for:
If full membership applied for, please list your professional qualification in mental health and your PIT training (eg year and nature of course attended):